County Property Analyzer
If you are in search of property data for any parcel in Allegheny County, CPA is the tool of choice. Developed by the former Manager of the Allegheny County Office of Property Assessments, the application allows the analysis of property data, provides sales ratios studies, Comparable Sales Reports and mail merge capabilities, just a few of the multiple features.
In addition to definitive search, this tool allows you to further analyze data by exporting and saving the results of your search – over 37 different bits of information such as property and mailing addresses, sales validation information, assessed values and numerous land and building characteristics – onto an excel spreadsheet. CPA is a valuable resource in calculating property values by easily and efficiently helping you acquire comparable sales and providing the ability to create and prepare sales comparison reports in a PDF format.
Diversified Municipal Services has represented clients in literally thousands of property assessment appeal hearings. County Property Analyzer unleashes the power for anyone to create sales comparison evidence for submission in property assessment hearings.